Live base url is: https://connect.lhv.eu/
Sandbox base url is: https://connect.prelive.lhv.eu/
To start using LHV Connect services you need:
- Valid customer agreement with LHV
- Sign an additional Connect agreement
- Connection certificates
The general approach and on-boarding steps, before you can start using the API in Live environment:
- contact the LHV Connect support team at **connect@lhv.ee** or your client relationship manager
- define the services you expect to use and consult our team when needed
- support team prepares your dedicated Sandbox test environment. We expect it to be similar to your future setup in Live - the list of used services, account setup and other details.
- support team sends you connection certificates for the test environment (not shared with live) and additional instructions
- development and testing of your integrations can start!
- when you are confident are ready to proceed to Live inform the support team and relationship manager
- relationship manager prepares and signs the Connect agreement
- support team sends you instruction for connection certificate generation (more details below)
- Live usage can start!
Direct Processing
付款文件由普通 XML 发送,无需其他用户操作或确认即可处理。此选项仅适用于爱沙尼亚 FI 或英国 FCA 许可的服务提供商,包括来自欧盟和欧洲经济区的服务提供商。
header Content-Type: application/xml
Pending Payments
付款文件由普通 XML 发送。付款不会立即处理。所有发送的付款均在待付款的网上银行看到,并且只能在那里签名和确认。只有在确认付款被处理并从帐户中借记后。应用互联网银行每日和每月限额和接受率。
Internal payment | Internal payment from one LHV account to another. |
request | https://partners.lhv.ee/assets/files/samples/PAYMENT_INTERNAL/PAYMENT_PAIN.001.xml |
response | https://partners.lhv.ee/assets/files/samples/PAYMENT_INTERNAL/PAYMENT_PAIN.002A.xml |
Notification-outgoing | Debit Credit Notification - outgoing payment |
Notification-ingoing | Debit Credit Notification - incoming payment |
Retrieving the response
GET [base-url]/messages/next
Confirm the successful reading of the response
Confirm that reading the response was successful by deleting the message from your inbox. For this, use the response id.
DELETE [base-url]/messages/RES4ab8a01dd7ed4ed792f0605761ae532a
This step is important, because you can’t retrieve the next message until you confirm reading the previous message. After delete was successful, you can retrieve the next message.
NB! Unread messages older than 5 days are automatically scheduled for deletion.
- 原文作者:nepp
- 原文链接:https://nepp-an.github.io/post/%E6%94%AF%E4%BB%98%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E6%96%B9/
- 版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可,非商业转载请注明出处(作者,原文链接),商业转载请联系作者获得授权。